Remember when we took a look at the Parrot AR.Drone last September? It seems like ages ago with how fast the App Store moves. Anyway, one of the things Parrot was pushing hardcore for the AR.Drone device was a yet-to-be-released two player augmented reality game where players would be able to engage in real-time augmented reality dogfights utilizing two iPhones and two AR.Drones. (Making it one of the most expensive two player games on the App Store.)
Details are vague right now, but Parrot is openly announcing the release date of AR.FLYINGACE as April 15th. In addition, they've also released the following teaser trailer of the game in action:
With third party app support for the AR.Drone being somewhat predictably lackluster, it's great to see Parrot finally releasing some games for the device. I'm not entirely sure that AR.FLYINGACE makes the AR.Drone any more compelling of a purchase since it requires having a buddy who also has an AR.Drone, but assuming you're in that kind of situation now, you've got something awesome to look forward to next week.